What Does it Take to Become an American Budgerigar Society Judge?


To become a champion exhibitor or an American Budgerigar Society
CABS) judge in this hobby is equal in
my mind to a person wanting to
become a superstar in any sport! How
many people become a Barry Bonds
in baseball, a Joe Montana in football
or a Michael Jordan in basketball?
We have our superstars in birds, just
as they do in the cat, dog, rabbit and
horse hobbies. Everyone cannot be a
superstar, just as everyone does not
aspire to become a judge. However,
the following thoughts reflect what I
believe it takes to become a successful
A. B.S. panel judge.
First, advance from novice to showman
champion. Second, become a
successful winning champion exhibitor
with wins in three different shows,
under three different judges (placing
either first, second or third). Become
an active, participating member of a
local A.B.S. affiliate club. Meet all the
qualifications and rules to qualify, and
last, pass all testing procedures in
force at the time of your application.
The above is the "formal" process.
Let's talk for a minute about the "informal"
process. One of the most important
unwritten rules is to be able to
take criticism after you have tried your
very best to place birds as you see
them. We are all human and we all see
the birds somewhat differently. We all
interpret and judge for the standard as
we envision it to be.
Remember everyone is not truly
"qualified" to be a judge, even if they
meet all the qualifications. In spite of
all the pressure, you need to be
relaxed and yet intense when placing
birds, have total confidence in every
move you make and especially when
you talk and explain your rationale in
placing one bird over another.
Does this sound like a tall order? I
believe it is. I also believe that most
judges in the 40-plus years of a breeding
program tend to be on a downhill
slide, losing activity in competing and
raising budgies and this will hurt his
eye after becoming a judge. Some
maintain and hold on a little longer
than others, but it is not easy.
I personally feel to remain a successful
champion exhibitor and a sueby

cessful A.B.S. judge you must exhibit
at least 10 shows per year and judge at
least three or four more. You should
attend meetings and be totally active
in our hobby. And, if that does not
keep a member busy, utilize at least
100 bands a year.
As I said in the beginning, becoming
a "superstar" in our sport requires the 

same dedication as in any other. It
takes all levels of people to make it
successful, just like it takes all levels in
all sports for one to achieve success.
We have to support all levels of our
hobby. We need to always look up at
our goals, never down at anyone,
treating everyone equally and enjoy
our wonderful hobby.