handraislng the Lesser Vasa Parrot from day one


The genus Coracopsis contains two
species, the lesser vasa (C. nigra) and
the greater vasa (C. vasa). They are the
least typical and, perhaps, also the
least admired of all parrots because
they are entirely dull grey. Only those
who admire parrots for their personality
or who are intrigued by their
behaviour will appreciate the vasas.
For me, they hold a fascination which
is equalled by a few but not surpassed
by any other genus.

Vasas were almost unknown in captivity
until the early 1980s. The lesser
has been bred in captivity in four or
five collections (at Chester Zoo in

Britain and in private collections in
Germany and Switzerland). I do not
know of any published report of the
breeding of the greater vasa and would
be most interested to hear from anyone
who has succeeded.