PEPA 59th Expo


The Pet Bird Industry steering committee conducted its first annual workshop at the 59th annual Pacific International Poultry and Egg Association (PEPA) exposition held in San Diego, California March 16th thru 18th, 1983.

The rwo hour workshop, held on March 17th, was moderated by committee chairman Matt Tierney, Birds Unlimited, California. There were four featured speakers with a question and answer period following each twenty minute talk.

Speakers and topics were: "Current status of exotic avian medicine and its future" by Keven Flammer, D.V.M., Birds· Unlimited; "National pet bird plan, a blueprint for certification and survival" by Marshall Meyers, PIJAC, Washington, D.C.; "American Aviculture on the move-a nation breeding" by Jerry Jennings, American Federation of A viculture past president, prrvare breeder, Woodland Hills, CA.; "Pet


shop retail ing, a historic look back, today' s market, prospective look toward romorrow" by Alan Hein, Lambert-Kay, Inc., Laguna Hills, CA. Due to illness Mr. Heirr's ralk was delivered by Marshall Meyers.

The attendees filled the room with representatives from State and Federal offices, retailers, veterinarians, private breeders, and PEPA members.

The Pet Bird Industry Steering Committee also manned a double booth, with AFA representation, on the exhibit floor.

Segments of our industry that were represented were manufacturing, research, and breeding. Contributions for the exhibit were made by Rich Health Inc., Irvine, California; Larry James, President, Birds Unlimited, Inc., North Hollywood, California; Tom Roudybush, Senior Research Assr., University of California at Davis; and American Federation of Aviculrure •