Procedures for Handling Premises and Birds Associated with VVND Infected Aviaries.


Premises Receiving Birds From Infected Aviary

A. Commercial Premises (Birds in Trade Channels)

1. All shipments made from the infected aviary since a date established by epidemiological investigation are to be traced.

2. An accurate inventory of all birds on the premises receiving birds from an infected aviary will be taken.

3. All birds which originated from the infected aviary during this period will be purchased for diagnostic purposes and submitted to the San Gabriel laboratory.

4. All birds which originated from the infected aviary that have already been resold should be traced, appraised, purchased, and taken to the San Gabriel laboratory.

5. If other birds on the premises show symptoms and lesions of VVND, the entire premises should be placed under hold order and evaluated for depopulation by an epidemiologist. Specimens for laboratory analysis may be taken at this time.

6. If there has been no sickness and the birds appear healthy, they are to be placed under hold order pending the results of laboratory tests. In the case of pet shops,these birds may not be sold until the premises are released from hold order unless the owner agrees to record and submit the name, address, and telephone number of each purchaser. The terms of the agreement should be noted on the hold order.

7. All commercial premises receiving birds from the infected aviary will have a 30-day dead bird pickup beginning on the date birds from the infected aviary are removed, as well as other testing deemed appropriate by the evaluating veterinarian. The 30-day dead bird pickup may be shortened, lengthened, or not required depending on epidemiological evaluation.

8. Hold orders may be removed on the recommendation of the evaluating veterinarian after laboratory results are received on birds from the infected aviary and the results are negative.

9. Should laboratory results prove that VVND virus is present, all sales will cease and any birds already sold will be subject to tracing, purchase, and laboratory analysis.

IO. Birds from the infected aviary in private homes and clearly personal pets, as well as those not in trade channels, should be purchased if possible, but may be put under hold order and allowed to remain at the discretion of the evaluating veterinarian and handled as in B. below.

B. Birds in Private Homes or Otherwise Not in Trade Channels; i.e., Zoos, Aviaries, and Private Collections, etc.

1. Each private residence and premises not in trade channels containing birds from the infected aviary and contact birds must be evaluated to assure that an immediate risk to other caged birds or domestic poultry does not exist before implementing this policy.

2. Birds moving from the infected aviary, as well as contact birds belonging to persons as defined in A. IO. above, and which are physically located in a private residence or those not in trade channels will be placed under hold order.

3. If all birds received from the infected aviary are purchased and a 30-day dead bird pickup is maintained, swabbing may not be required. Hold orders may be removed on the recommendation of the evaluating veterinarian after negative laboratory results are received on the birds from the infected aviary.

4. If all birds from the infected aviary are not purchased, the birds from the infected aviary and all other birds, or at least 30 birds or more, located on the same premises will be tested one or more times as deemed necessary by the evaluating veterinarian.