President's Message


Communications. Communications and Public Relations. Communication and public relations. getting information out expeditiously and accurately and keeping constituents informed. are some of the most difficult functions of many organizations. A.F.A. is no exception.

How best to make public emergency information and how best to keep our members informed at times poses a dilemma.

At the time of this publication, an Emergency Operations Plan for A.F.A. is in the printing and will be sent by direct mail to each member. Hopefully, it will solve some of the problem.

The plan calls for individual members to report high priority information (emergencies) directly to the top to avoid distortion of problems and to allow for the relating of full details with prompt response.

High priority information being disseminated will utilize the .. pyramid system" of communication (from president and/or other official to regional coordinator. to state coordinator. to club delegates and individual members). This has the advantage of being quick and efficient so long as no transmission failure occurs down to the individual member orthe message is not inadvertently altered along the way.

Any quest for information should follow the reverse "pyramid system". If a member wants to know something he should first contact his delegate or coordinator. If that person doesn't have the answers, he can get them and report back.

 Delegates represent the interest of your particular club in our organization. are elected or appointed by your club or association and are accountable only to you. If the delegate fails to keep you informed at each club meeting as to what A.F.A is doing or if he does not present your club "s concerns to A.F.A .. you are being "short changed" and you should switch delegates.

Coordinators. on the other hand, represent the interests of A.F.A. to the membership. are appointed by the A.F.A. Board to promote A.F.A. policies and further A.F.A. objectives. They are A.F.A. 's I iaison between management and membership. serve at the Board's pleasure and can be replaced if they do not carry out their responsibilities.

Logic should convince all members that the quickest way to obtain non-priority information or services is to go directly to the source of such information of services:

Problems with Watchbird? - Contact Membership Services. A need for educational material or programs? - Get in touch with Media Services. Somebody did you wrong?- Inform the Ethics Committee. Need supplies, brochures. back issues, etc') - Call Horne Office. Want a bit of sage advice') - Write to our editor. Don't know whom to write to with a problem or for information') - Write to our Corresponding Secretary. All of these are listed in Watchbird...