Convention 1978 - Dallas, Texas.


Commercial Exhibits - Hobby, Photo, and Club Displays

Subscribing members will receive complete convention information and details in an individual mail-out. Readers not on the Watchbird regular mailing list may write to the following address:

AFA CONVENTION INFORMATION, 3723 Royal Lane, Dallas, Texas 75229 or P.O. Box 1125, Garden Grove, CA 92642 Complete details will be supplied upon request for all convention activities, including Sunday 27th Professional Veterinary/Scientific Seminars.

Dates Activities Outline & Costs

Time schedule to be announced in the June/July issue of Watchbird, and special mail-out invitations to individual sub/members.

Thursday, Aug. 24 AFA Business Meeting - Officers, Staff, State Coordinators, and Delegates.

Friday, Aug. 25 Breakfast - Danish rolls and coffee, AFA Business Meeting, Exhibits open at noon, new, exciting lectures and workshops. Evening - no host cocktail hour at Exhibit Area - Jardin de Pajaros.

Saturday, Aug. 26 Breakfast - Danish rolls and coffee, lectures and workshops throughout day. Evening - no host cocktails, Raffle, Banquet, Awards, Entertainment.

Sunday, Aug. 27 Breakfast, tours of Dallas and Fort Worth Zoos, Buffet Lunch, Professional Workshops.

AFA Convention $45.00 per person, includes all 3 days activities (except professional workshops on

Ticket Cost Sunday), 2 rolls and coffee breakfasts, 1 full breakfast Sunday, 2 tours - to Dallas and Fort Worth Zoos, Saturday evening Banquet, Awards, Entertainment, Raffle, Buffet Lunch Sunday, lectures and workshops.

Hotel Rates at $26.00 Single room per night.

North Park Inn $33.00 Double room per night.

$5.00 each additional person .over double rate.

Professional Veterinary $150.00 per person if registered by Aug. 15 for persons wishing to attend all con-

Workshops vention activities (except Zoo tours) plus Sundays special Professional Veterinary

(all day Sunday) Workshops. ($175.00 if registering after Aug 15.)

Pre-register Use the pre-registration form in this issue of Watchbird - or your individual sub/ membership mail-out which will be coming to you soon. Save $20.00 by registering before August 15. After Aug. 15 - registration rate is $65.00 per person.