
The ho liday season is fas t upo n us
bringing with it the problems o f what
gift to get for aunt Rose or what surprise
to give cousin Herbie. Supply your own
names, the problem is the same. If said
re latives and fri ends ca n read , yo ur
problem is half solved . If they are bird
people, your p roblem is no problem at
all. Give the folks a bird book. If you
actually like the person in questio n, lay
two or three bird books on th em.
In this sho rt article I don't propose to
give extensive and thorough reviews of
any of the books li sted . I merely po int
o ut a few highlights, make you awa re
th at the books exist and tell you how to
get th em sho uld you decide to favo r a
bird friend. Or, better yet, fo rget the fa irweath
er fri ends and keep the books
yo urse lf. Yo u deserve a good av ian