A North American Directory to Bird Programs


A North American directory of programs available to amateur bird watchers is presently being organized at the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology. The directory will appear as a major chapter in a coming book on bird watching to be published by Charles Scribner's Sons. The intent of the directory is to identify bird research and educational programs in the U.S. and Canada which welcome participation from non-professionals.

Examples of appropriate programs include research projects such as state atlas breeding bird surveys, censuses of colonial water birds, surveys of particular species (such as declining species), hawk migration watches and organized nestbox projects for birds such as bluebirds. Ornithology courses for amateurs and museum study skin collections available to the public are appropriate entries. Local field trip programs will not be included.

Acceptable projects should have professional input into the organization of the project and should have an anticipated life of at least several years. Continent-wide programs such as Cornell's Nest Record Card Program and the Christmas Bird Count of the National Audubon Society have already been described and need not be duplicated at the local level.

If you know of an appropriate local or statewide program and want to include it in the directory, please obtain the appropriate forms by writing:

Dr. Stephen W. Kress

BIRD PROGRAM DIRECTORY Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology 159 Sapsucker Woods Road Ithaca, New York 14850

(Sample Copy)

Birds Programs Available to

Amateur Participants

Name of Program:


Geographical Area Where Program is Conducted:

Aims ( objectives of the program):

What Participants Can Do:

(activities offered)


Special Notes (if any):


(complete name and address to which participants can respond)

Return complete forms to:

Dr. Stephen W. Kress