Current Issue
About the AFA
The American Federation of Aviculture (AFA) is a 501 (c) 3 corporation that is recognized by the US Congress Office of Technology and Assessment as the nation’s grassroots organization of US bird breeders. Established in 1974, the purpose of AFA is to represent all aspects of aviculture and to educate the public about keeping and breeding birds in captivity.
AFA has a membership consisting of bird breeders, pet bird owners, avian veterinarians, pet/bird store owners, bird product manufacturers, and other people interested in the future of aviculture. Join today to subscribe!
AFA defines anyone keeping exotic birds in captivity as an "aviculturist" but AFA advocates that this designation carries with it certain responsibilities transcending those of the owners of domesticated pets like dogs and cats. AFA believes holders of exotic birds need to be aware of the special needs of the species they hold, be aware of their conservation status, up-to-date research findings enhancing the well-being of the birds, and the state and federal regulations pertaining to exotic birds.
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Our advertisers are the leaders in aviculture. They know that by advertising in the Watchbird that they will reach people who are knowledgeable about their birds and serious about providing the best for them. They are also supporting the American Federation of Aviculture, an organization that has represented the interests of aviculturists for over thirty years..